PhenGold is one a weight loss supplement that has caught the attention of those that want to get rid of the extra pounds. That for a simple reason. It works.

Weight loss is not an easy process. Anyone who has tried it knows how far from reality words are.
Putting on weight is easy. We’ve almost all experienced it. It happens quietly, without you realizing it. And then you crash into reality.
You wake up one morning and realize that your tight shirt doesn’t fit you anymore, because of the belly that’s sticking out in front.

Or even worse, the fitted jeans that made men turn their heads at your passing no longer fit you.
This is where the hard part begins. How do you fit back into your old jeans? What do you have to do to button up your old shirt?
“Fine,” most people answer. “As of today, no more sweets and breads. Starting tomorrow, I’m starting a gym.”
This is the beginning of the war on excess weight. A war that most of the time is lost before it even begins.
“Why?” – they all ask themselves.
Because in this war only conventional weapons, such as diet and exercise, are not enough.
To see real results they need to be combined with a good dietary supplement for slimming.
In pharmacies and on the internet you will find many such supplements. They all claim to be effective.
But most of them don’t work or have limited effect.
But there are a few that really help to burn fat and win the war with extra pounds.
PhenGold is one of them.
Discover the best price hereHow PhenGold works
Slimming is a multi-dimensional problem and its solution must be multi-dimensional. A solution that must be based on scientific data.
This is exactly what PhenGold does. By tackling the problem of extra pounds from all angles it can help you succeed, to lose the pounds you want.
Let’s see how it works in reality.
1. It helps in burning belly fat

There is no man or woman who does not want to have a thin waist.
Many focus only on appearance, but that’s not all.
Belly fat is one of the most dangerous and closely linked to several serious diseases.
Thanks to the green tea extract that PhenGold contains, it can help burn a significant amount of belly fat.
2. Boosts metabolism
Your body is constantly burning calories.
When you work, when you sit, and even when you sleep, your body performs millions of functions that require energy.
PhenGold increases the speed of metabolism so that you burn more calories even when you are resting.
The green tea extract and cayenne pepper it contains are two well-known ingredients that are proven to stimulate thermogenesis, a process that increases the calories you burn.
3. Burns more fat while you exercise
Exercise, even mildly, boosts weight loss. If you exercise and use PhenGold at the same time the results are obvious much faster.
Its unique formula helps reduce mental and physical fatigue.
With the energy it provides you will be able to exercise more intensely and for longer periods of time.
The fat burners it contains, such as Rhodiola and cayenne pepper, enable the body to burn more fat while you exercise.
4. Prevents fat absorption
Success in losing weight depends on two factors. How much fat you burn and how much fat is simultaneously stored in the body.
Along with burning fat, the green coffee extract contained in PhenGold reduces the amount of fat and glucose you absorb when you eat.
5. Reduces the desire to eat
Constant snacking is one of the causes of weight gain.
You may not realize it, but this habit can ruin your entire effort to lose pounds.
PhenGold eliminates the waves of hunger, helping you make better and higher quality choices in your diet.
Discover the best price hereThe ingredients of PhenGold
PhenGold contains vitamins and 100% natural ingredients. All of these in synergy with each other are proven to help you lose the extra pounds.
Unlike many slimming pills, PhenGold states on its label not only the ingredients, but also the amount of each ingredient.
Its main ingredients are:
Green tea extract

Green tea is one of the healthiest herbs on the planet. There is no doubt about that. Countless studies have proven it.
It is no coincidence that green tea extract is an ingredient in all known fat burning supplements.
Green tea is rich in antioxidants, especially with catechins.
Green tea contains bioactive substances such as caffeine and EGCG, which can significantly boost metabolism(1).
It can help burn 3-4% more calories each day.
Green tea contains ingredients that can help you lose fat.
Thanks to these ingredients green tea helps break down fat, which is then used by the body for energy.
This action is even more intense and effective during exercises.
Its most impressive fat burning effect is that it burns more fat in the abdomen compared to other parts of the body.
Cayenne pepper (200mg)
Cayenne pepper is one of the best known and most studied fat-soluble ingredients.
The main active ingredient in cayenne pepper is capsaicin. Researchers believe that capsaicin is a thermogenic substance.
Cayenne pepper can curb your appetite, speed up your metabolism and help you burn more calories(2).
Green coffee extract
Green coffee extract is rich in chlorogenic acid.
Researchers believe that chlorogenic acid is the key to green coffee’s effective slimming effects.
A 2013 study(3) reports that chlorogenic acid can reduce the absorption of carbohydrates by the digestive system.
This can help lower blood sugar levels and normalize insulin ups and downs.
Tyrosine is an amino acid produced naturally in the body.
It was first discovered in cheese, from which it gets its name, but is found in many foods.
It is an ingredient found in almost all pre-workout supplements.
Taking tyrosine in supplement form increases levels of the neurotransmitters dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine.
Increasing these neurotransmitters can help improve memory, making you focused and alert for longer(4).
Stress is one of the main causes of weight gain.
PhenGold incorporates in its formula one of the best ingredients that increase relaxation and calmness, the L-Theanine.
L-Theanine reduces anxiety, improves sleep quality, improves the quality of mental work, increases concentration, improves memory and increases energy(5).
Rhodiola is a herb known in traditional medicine. Many people know it by the name golden root.
It is known as a natural fat burner. It is used to enhance physical and mental performance.
It also improves mood and relieves stress.
Other ingredients
PhenGold is one of the few slimming supplements that detail all the ingredients it contains and does not hide behind any patented formula.
In addition to the above ingredients it contains a number of vitamins such as vitamin B3, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.
Side effects of PhenGold
PhenGold contains 100% natural ingredients and no side effects have been reported from its use.
The ingredients it contains are generally considered safe.
But before using it take a careful look at its ingredient list, in case you are allergic to any of them.
Instructions for use of PhenGold
Its use is very simple and easy.
It is taken 3 pills with food.
For best results try to take it before exercise.
Price and Where to Buy PhenGold
You can’t buy PhenGold from the neighborhood pharmacy.
Its availability is only through the official website.
Its price is very tempting, if we compare it with other slimming pills that have half the ingredients, at half the content, others at twice the price.
One package costs only 49,99€.
By buying more than one pack the cost is reduced even further.
So by buying 2 boxes you get a third box as a gift, saving 79,98€.
While buying 3 boxes you get 2 more as a gift, gaining 146,96€.
Money back guarantee
PhenGold provides a 100-day money back guarantee.
If you use it for 100 days and you are not happy with your results you can request a refund of all your money.
The benefits of PhenGold

PhenGold offers many benefits for slimming and health in general. The main ones are:
- Burns stored fat
- Increases energy overall
- Reduces hunger
- Improves focus and reduces stress
- Reduces stress, increases energy and reduces stress
- Increases endurance when you exercise
- Helps to burn belly fat
PhenGold Testimony

The extra pounds always bothered me, but I never made the decision to get rid of them.
Until a colleague, between serious and funny, said to me “John, first your belly goes in, then you”.
I realised that things had come to a head, and I decided to really take action.
I started watching my diet, signed up to the gym and started exercising regularly.
My progress was like the running of a turtle.
What bothered me the most was that I couldn’t complete any exercise without being drained of energy.
I realized I needed extra help if I wanted to lose the pounds in this life.
So I started looking on the internet.
I read about many products, supplements and techniques.
Until one day I found PhenGold.
I can’t explain it, but from the first moment I felt it was what I wanted.
I was impressed by its packaging. It looked more like a gold accessory than a supplement bottle. Then I realized what gold was hidden inside.
The description of the ingredients was clear, honest. They weren’t trying to hide anything.
I decided to give it a try.
Within a week I started to see how much it was helping me.
I could do as much training as I wanted without getting out of breath.
I started to feel my belly start to deflate.
Today I have lost all the weight I wanted to.
My abs have made their appearance noticeable, and the best….
I feel flattered by the looks I get when I walk down the street, to the office, to the beach, and even to the gym.
I owe it all to the help PhenGold has provided me.
Discover the best price here